Teaching Hiring Agencies in Chiang Mai
“I want to teach English in Thailand. Do you know of any teaching hiring agencies in Chiang Mai?” For those of you who plan to use hiring agency to help you land a teaching job, you’re in luck! We’ve hunted around and contacted several companies that offer job placement services for teachers. These companies told us they were hiring, and could possibly set in you in the right direction if you’re looking to teach English in Chiang Mai.

While it may not seem like an obvious place to look, many TEFL and CELTA companies recruit teachers and offer job placement assistance in addition to their primary function of providing certifications to teach English.

In fact, the agency from which Angela earned her TEFL certificate is the same agency that found her a position at her current school. A fellow teacher of Angela’s, who had earned a TEFL elsewhere, was also hired by the same TEFL agency.

Hiring Agencies in Chiang Mai

The following is a list of companies in Chiang Mai that help prospective teachers find jobs. These agencies will not only assist with job placement for their own graduates, but most will also consider recruiting a prospective teacher who has earned a TEFL or CELTA through another company.

Phone: (053) 242-945 or (053) 242-946 or (053) 242-947
Email: yingefl@gmail.com

ECC Thai
Phone: (026) 553-333
Email: jobs@ecc.ac.th

International House Bangkok
Phone: (026) 326-7902
Email: jobs@ihbangkok.com

NAVA School of English
Phone: (053) 222-177
Email: navachiangmai@hotmail.com

Text and Talk Academy
Phone: (081) 163-1980
Email: sujitra@langserv.com
TIP: If you are making an international call to any of these hiring agencies in Chiang Mai, dial your country’s exit code (011 for USA and Canada; 00 for the UK; 0011 for Australia) and then drop the leading zero of the Thai number and replace with “66”.
Calling from within Thailand (Domestic): 099 999-9999
Calling from outside of Thailand (International): exit code + 66 99 999-9999

These companies have contracts with local public, private, international, and language (English) schools in Chiang Mai, and seek to fill teaching positions as they become available throughout the year. Consider asking each company which schools they hire out to if you are interested in teaching at a particular school or area of the city.

These hiring agencies in Chiang Mai will have slightly different requirements for prospective teachers, so be sure to meet their minimum qualifications to be considered for a position. Keep in mind that things in Chiang Mai change rapidly so these companies may or may not currently have teaching positions available.

Recommend Any Other Hiring Agencies in Chiang Mai?

We suspect our list is not complete. Are there any other hiring agencies in Chiang Mai you are aware of? Let us know if you have a place you can recommend.

NOTE: We have not individually evaluated the services of all the companies listed above. However, we have confirmed that these hiring agencies in Chiang Mai offer job placement services for prospective teachers. Please use good judgement when choosing among these or any other hiring agencies.


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